- "Near threatened" in the IUCN Red List and "Endangered" in the Mongolian Red List of Mammals
- Appendix I of the CITES
- Appendix II of the CMS
The Khulan represents a good indicator of the health of Mongolia’s Gobi Desert rangelands.
The Khulan is a symbol of adaptation, resilience and regeneration.
It also represents a local symbol of the cultural and biodiversity heritage of Mongolia.
The Mongolian Khulan, also known as the Mongolian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus hemionus) is one of the 5 recognized subspecies of the Asiatic Wild Ass and currently represents the largest population of the Asiatic Wild Ass in the world. The Mongolian Khulan mainly live in south of Mongolia, in the Gobi Desert area, with small populations in north of China.
Mongolia represents a very important place for conservation of the Asiatic Wild Ass, hosting about 80% of the global population represented by the Khulan.
The Asiatic Wild Ass belongs to the Equids, like horses, donkeys, zebras, Przewalski's horses, African Wild Ass, but is a species on its own.
The Mongolian Wild Ass / khulan is locally known for its ability to dig 'wells' or 'watering holes' at dry water points and riverbeds to access underground water from which they can drink. This very specific behavior is mostly observed during the dry seasons of the year when in the Gobi Desert replenishment of water points depends on rainfall and represent an adaptation to droughts.
The Khulan shape the Gobi environment and also helps other species access water ...