We heartily thank those who have supported and actually support our conservation program for showing interest to our actions and to values we defend.
Thanks to your support, we have been able to develop our project since 2008 in the south and southeast Gobi.
Since the beginning we have secured support from the local population, protected areas managers, rangers working inside and outside of protected areas, governors of administrative units/sums, schools, and Buddhist monasteries, of the area where our project is conducted since 2008.
This French association donated in 2005, 1,600 Euros to Miss Anne-Camille Souris for her research project for the conservation of the Mongolian Khulan. This donation was used for the mission conducted for two months in 2008 and was completed by about 5,000 Euros from Anne-Camille SOURIS's own contribution.
National Geographic Society Conservation Trust
Anne-Camille Souris, our research director, did obtain a 16,500 USD grant from the National Geographic Conservation Trust in 2009 to conduct research and conservation actions for the protection of the Mongolian khulan. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/explorers/projects
Chicago Zoological Society CBOT Endangered Species Fund Award
Anne-Camille SOURIS obtained a grant of 3,860 USD from the CZS CBOT Endangered Species Fund to conduct research and actions for Mongolian wild ass conservation in the south and southeast Gobi during the autumn 2010. This grant has been complemented by private donations made to the association (320 Euros) and the Anne-Camille SOURIS's own contribution.
In 2012, our organization has received a grant of 21,500 Euros from The Prince Bernhard Nature Fund in support to our project “Research, Information, Education and local people involvement to save the Mongolian wild ass or 'Khulan'”. The funding will be used for the mission conducted during the summer 2012 and the spring 2013.
In May 2015, our organization has received a grant of 12,500 USD grant from the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund, in support of our project: "protection of the Mongolian khulan through: research, involvement of protected areas' rangers and the local community, and environmental education" that we conducted in partnership with a Mongolian organization.
In May 2015, our organization has received a grant of 19,860 Euros from the Van Tienhoven Foundation for International Nature Protection, in support of our project: "protection of the Mongolian khulan through: research, involvement of protected areas' rangers and the local community, and environmental education" that we conducted in partnership with a Mongolian organization.
The nature protection agency of South Gobi donated our organization 200,000 mnt in 2024.
JIMDO sponsored our website from 2008 to 2015.
Solutions Graphik’N Print (member of 1% for the Planet)
Fairtrad (member of 1% for the Planet)
50,000 MNT (about 35 USD) donated by the Department of nature and environment of Dornogovi province, located in Sainshand, with support from the MACNE (Mongolian Association for Conservation of Nature and the Environment) to participate to gas expenses for the mission conducted during the summer 2012.
The travel agency Eternal Landscapes which is one the travel agencies with which we cooperate for our tourism and conservation expeditions, support our work by donating us some of their annual profits.